Descendents of MARIA KRISTINA (STINA) MODIG 1815 - 1897 and LARS ANDERSSON MODIG 1803- 1855 meet to explore the places were there ancestors lived and worked. Of special interest were all the places Maria Kristina had to move to in the area because her husband died early and she became poor. She had 7 children to take care of. Three of them were represented by Neil Blomberg (Anders Johan), Hans Forsslund (Carl), and Per Elzén (Gustava).


Neil's wife Joanna and Per's wife Inadale also came to the meeting.
The meeting was arranged together with Daretorp rural interest association (Daretorpbyggdens intresseförening). In the morning we meet Herbert Hjelm, Gösta Johansson, Kell Gustavsson at Parstugan the associations "home building".

VGbladetAnette Ericsson from the local newspaper came and made an interview for an article that was then published in Västgötabladet Friday September 30.

After the interview we split up in three cars and went around Daretorp to see the places where our relative hade lived. The buildings were long ago pulled down but to feel the nature were they lived was overwhelming.